We are aware of a number of bugs with the system currently, and they are as follows:
- Disconnecting from an unresponsive server takes too long
- HUD will occasionally crash while respawning
- Tab-score menu does not get drawn with consistency every frame
- Gravity Toggle stops the player's momentum from their own movement (but not momentum from pushes and other abilities)
- Slam ability (called Gravity Increase during alpha 2) does not properly throw surrounding players into the air
- Blink ability requires that a player be standing completely still to activate
- Detecting when a player is grounded is still inaccurate.
- Players will on rare occasions be granted an extra jump when they leave the ground (because the game thinks they are still on the ground)
- Players will appear to not be on the ground when going down small inclines
- Players can select resolutions from the Unity Game Menu that do not work with our interface
- This options should really be moved to the settings menu
- There is no tooltip for what all of the abilities on the Game Lobby actually do. Players are currently selecting abilities at random based on their names
- Players can't edit their options from the game lobby
The schedule for the next several weeks is:
- Week 13 - Check as many items out of the above list as possible
- Week 14 - Implement more abilities, add player mass to the game
- Week 15 (spring break) - finish implementing abilities, add platform movement, possibly add models and clean up more from the checklist above.
- Week 16 - Polish for Beta 1, finish any work on models
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